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Electron orbit in a combined plasma wave wiggler and an axial guide magnetic field free electron laser near magnetoresonance : Generation of coherent radiation using plasmasJUNSHENG YU; QINGDI GAO; BO LU et al.IEEE transactions on plasma science. 1993, Vol 21, Num 1, pp 167-169, issn 0093-3813Article

Non-self-similar inertial regimes of the scalar supersonic Langmuir collapseBERGE, L.Physica. D. 1994, Vol 72, Num 1-2, pp 87-94, issn 0167-2789Article

Electrostatic waves in the magnetosphere of UranusKURTH, W. S; BARBOSA, D. D; GURNETT, D. A et al.JGR. Journal of geophysical research. Part A, Space physics. 1987, Vol 92, Num 13, pp 15.225-15.233Article

Propagation of relativistic plasma waves: global nonlinear aspectsROBNIK, M; FRITZ, K. D; SCHRÜFER, E et al.Astronomy and astrophysics (Berlin. Print). 1986, Vol 165, Num 1-2, pp 254-268, issn 0004-6361Article

Damping of diocotron oscillation in a nonneutral electron plasma by excited axisymmetric electrostatic waveYAMAZAWA, Y; MICHISHITA, T; MOHRI, A et al.Japanese journal of applied physics. 1997, Vol 36, Num 12A, pp L1612-L1615, issn 0021-4922, 2Article

Firt results from the Freja HF snapshot receiverKINTNER, P. M; BONNELL, J; POWELL, S et al.Geophysical research letters. 1995, Vol 22, Num 3, pp 287-290, issn 0094-8276Article

Probe for electrostatic wave measurements in plasmasWONG, K. L; AKIYAMA, H.Review of scientific instruments. 1988, Vol 59, Num 9, pp 2084-2086, issn 0034-6748Article

The emission of narrow-band Jovian kilometric radiationFUNG, S. F; PAPADOPOULOS, K.JGR. Journal of geophysical research. Part A, Space physics. 1987, Vol 92, Num 8, pp 8579-8593Article

Auroral electron acceleration by lower-hybrid wavesBINGHAM, R; BRYANT, D. A; HALL, D. S et al.Annales geophysicae. Atmospheres, hydrospheres and space sciences. 1988, Vol 6, Num 2, pp 159-167Article

Observations of ion cyclotron harmonic waves by the Viking satelliteKOSKINEN, H. E. J; KINTNER, P. M; HOLMGREN, G et al.Geophysical research letters. 1987, Vol 14, Num 4, pp 459-462, issn 0094-8276Article

Z mode radiation in Jupiter's magnetosphereKENNEL, C. F; CHEN, R. F; MOSES, S. L et al.JGR. Journal of geophysical research. Part A, Space physics. 1987, Vol 92, Num 9, pp 9978-9996Article

Excitation of ion sound by Langmuir waves interacting with an electron beam in magnetized plasmaKRIVITSKY, V. S; VLADIMIROV, S. V.Physics letters. A. 1990, Vol 143, Num 6-7, pp 329-331, issn 0375-9601Article

Simulations of data compression of satellite geophysical dataGOUGH, M. P; GERMON, R; THOMPSON, J. A et al.International journal of remote sensing (Print). 1987, Vol 8, Num 8, pp 1219-1227, issn 0143-1161Article

Ondes de plasma EBF dans l'environnement de la comète de HalleyKLIMOV, S; SAVIN, S; SOKOLOV, A et al.Pis′ma v Astronomičeskij žurnal. 1986, Vol 12, Num 9, pp 688-695, issn 0320-0108Article

L'environnement de la comète de Halley vu par l'analyseur d'ondes de plasma, APV-V, à bord de Vega 1 et Vega 2 = Halley comet environment seen by plasma wave analysor, APV-V, aboard Vega 1 and 2TROTIGNON, J.-G.L' Astronomie (1911). 1987, Vol 101, pp 173-179, issn 0004-6302Article

Reply to comment by R. L. Lysak on Improved basis set for low frequency plasma wavesBELLAN, P. M.Journal of geophysical research. Space physics. 2013, Vol 118, Num 7, pp 4435-4440, 6 p.Article

Fundamental plasma radiation generated by a travelling Langmuir wave : hybrid stimulated modulational instabilityCHIAN, A. C.-L; ABALDE, J. R.Journal of plasma physics. 1997, Vol 57, pp 753-763, issn 0022-3778, 4Article

Stability of solitary waves in a magnetized non-thermal plasmaMAMUN, A. A; CAIRNS, R. A.Journal of plasma physics. 1996, Vol 56, pp 175-185, issn 0022-3778, 1Article

Arrest of wave collapse and transitional dampingTSYTOVICH, V. N; BINGHAM, R; DE ANGELIS, U et al.Comments on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. 1992, Vol 14, Num 6, pp 361-368, issn 0374-2806Article

Stade final de l'effondrement tridimensionnel de LangmuirZAKHAROV, V. E; PUSHKAREV, A. N; RUBENCHIK, A. M et al.Pis′ma v žurnal èksperimental′noj i teoretičeskoj fiziki. 1988, Vol 47, Num 5, pp 239-242, issn 0370-274XArticle

«Rivage magnétique» dans les pièges ouvertsZVONKOV, A. V; TIMOFEEV, A. V.Fizika plazmy (Moskva, 1975). 1987, Vol 13, Num 3, pp 282-290, issn 0134-5052Article

Plasma wave measurements in the magnetosphere of UranusSCARF, F. L; GURNETT, D. A; KURTH, W. S et al.JGR. Journal of geophysical research. Part A, Space physics. 1987, Vol 92, Num 13, pp 15.217-15.224Article

Non-relativistic and relativistic approaches to the problem of plasma wave propagationSAZHIN, S. S.Journal of atmospheric and terrestrial physics. 1987, Vol 50, Num 1, pp 51-55, issn 0021-9169Article

Un modèle «zébré» à haute fréquence dans la radio émission des éruptions solairesGONTAREV, O. G; KLASSEN, A. P.Solnečnye dannye. 1987, Num 1, pp 87-93, issn 0552-5829Article

Théorie quasi classique de l'effondrement des ondes tri-dimensionnellesZAKHAROV, V. E; KUZNETSOV, E. A.ZETF. Pis′ma v redakciû. 1986, Vol 91, Num 4, pp 1310-1324, issn 0044-4510Article

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